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<view v-if="isShow" class="picker" @tap="onConfirm">
<!-- 日期选择器 -->
<view v-if="type!='time'" class="picker-modal">
<view class="picker-modal-header">
<view class="picker-icon picker-icon-zuozuo" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-icon-active" @click.stop="onSetYear('-1')"></view>
<view class="picker-icon picker-icon-zuo" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-icon-active" @click.stop="onSetMonth('-1')"></view>
<text class="picker-modal-header-title">{{title}}</text>
<view class="picker-icon picker-icon-you" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-icon-active" @click.stop="onSetMonth('+1')"></view>
<view class="picker-icon picker-icon-youyou" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-icon-active" @click.stop="onSetYear('+1')"></view>
<swiper class="picker-modal-body" :circular="true" :duration="200" :skip-hidden-item-layout="true" :current="calendarIndex" @change="onSwiperChange">
<swiper-item class="picker-calendar" v-for="(calendar,calendarIndex2) in calendars" :key="calendarIndex2">
<view class="picker-calendar-view" v-for="(week,index) in weeks" :key="index - 7">
<view class="picker-calendar-view-item">{{week}}</view>
<view class="picker-calendar-view" v-for="(date,dateIndex) in calendar" :key="dateIndex" @click.stop="onSelectDate(date)">
<!-- 背景样式 -->
<view v-show="date.bgStyle.type" :class="'picker-calendar-view-'+date.bgStyle.type" :style="{background: date.bgStyle.background}"></view>
<!-- 正常和选中样式 -->
<view class="picker-calendar-view-item" :style="{opacity: date.statusStyle.opacity, color: date.statusStyle.color, background: date.statusStyle.background}">
<!-- 小圆点样式 -->
<view class="picker-calendar-view-dot" :style="{opacity: date.dotStyle.opacity, background: date.dotStyle.background}"></view>
<!-- 信息样式 -->
<view v-show="" class="picker-calendar-view-tips">{{}}</view>
<view class="picker-modal-footer">
<view class="picker-modal-footer-info">
<block v-if="isMultiSelect">
<view class="picker-display">
<text class="picker-display-text">{{BeginTitle}}</text>
<view v-if="isContainTime" class="picker-display-link" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-display-link-active"
:style="{color}" @click.stop="onShowTimePicker('begin')">{{BeginTimeTitle}}</view>
<view class="picker-display">
<text class="picker-display-text">{{EndTitle}}</text>
<view v-if="isContainTime" class="picker-display-link" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-display-link-active"
:style="{color}" @click.stop="onShowTimePicker('end')">{{EndTimeTitle}}</view>
<block v-else>
<view class="picker-display">
<text class="picker-display-text">{{BeginTitle}}</text>
<view v-if="isContainTime" class="picker-display-link" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-display-link-active"
:style="{color}" @click.stop="onShowTimePicker('begin')">{{BeginTimeTitle}}</view>
<view class="picker-modal-footer-btn">
<view class="picker-btn" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-btn-active" @click.stop="onCancel">取消</view>
<view class="picker-btn" :style="{color}" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-btn-active" @click.stop="onConfirm">确认</view>
<!-- 时间选择器 -->
<view v-if="showTimePicker" class="picker">
<view class="picker-modal picker-time">
<view class="picker-modal-header">
<text class="picker-modal-header-title">选择日期</text>
<picker-view class="picker-modal-time" indicator-class="picker-modal-time-item" :value="timeValue" @change.stop="onTimeChange">
<view v-for="(v,i) in 24" :key="i">{{i<10?'0'+i:i}}时</view>
<view v-for="(v,i) in 60" :key="i">{{i<10?'0'+i:i}}分</view>
<picker-view-column v-if="showSeconds">
<view v-for="(v,i) in 60" :key="i">{{i<10?'0'+i:i}}</view>
<view class="picker-modal-footer">
<view class="picker-modal-footer-info">
<view class="picker-display">
<text class="picker-display-text">{{PickerTimeTitle}}</text>
<view class="picker-modal-footer-btn">
<view class="picker-btn" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-btn-active" @click.stop="onCancelTime">取消</view>
<view class="picker-btn" :style="{color}" :hover-stay-time="100" hover-class="picker-btn-active" @click.stop="onConfirmTime">确认</view>
* 工具函数库
const DateTools = {
* 获取公历节日
* @param date Date对象
getHoliday(date) {
let holidays = {
'0101': '元旦',
'0214': '情人',
'0308': '妇女',
'0312': '植树',
'0401': '愚人',
'0501': '劳动',
'0504': '青年',
'0601': '儿童',
'0701': '建党',
'0801': '建军',
'0903': '抗日',
'0910': '教师',
'1001': '国庆',
'1031': '万圣',
'1224': '平安',
'1225': '圣诞'
let value = this.format(date, 'mmdd');
if (holidays[value]) return holidays[value];
return false;
* 解析标准日期格式
* @param s 日期字符串
* @return 返回Date对象
parse: s => new Date(s.replace(/(年|月|-)/g, '/').replace(/(日)/g, '')),
* 比较日期是否为同一天
* @param a Date对象
* @param b Date对象
* @return Boolean
isSameDay: (a, b) => a.getMonth() == b.getMonth() && a.getFullYear() == b.getFullYear() && a.getDate() == b.getDate(),
* 格式化Date对象
* @param d 日期对象
* @param f 格式字符串
* @return 返回格式化后的字符串
format(d, f) {
var o = {
"m+": d.getMonth() + 1,
"d+": d.getDate(),
"h+": d.getHours(),
"i+": d.getMinutes(),
"s+": d.getSeconds(),
"q+": Math.floor((d.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
if (/(y+)/.test(f))
f = f.replace(RegExp.$1, (d.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
for (var k in o)
if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(f))
f = f.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
return f;
* 用于format格式化后的反解析
* @param s 日期字符串
* @param f 格式字符串
* @return 返回Date对象
inverse(s, f) {
var o = {
"y": '',
"m": '',
"d": '',
"h": '',
"i": '',
"s": '',
let d = new Date();
if (s.length != f.length) return d;
for (let i in f)
if (o[f[i]] != undefined) o[f[i]] += s[i];
if (o.y) d.setFullYear(o.y.length < 4 ? (d.getFullYear() + '').substr(0, 4 - o.y.length) + o.y : o.y);
o.m && d.setMonth(o.m - 1, 1);
o.d && d.setDate(o.d - 0);
o.h && d.setHours(o.h - 0);
o.i && d.setMinutes(o.i - 0);
o.s && d.setSeconds(o.s - 0);
return d;
* 获取日历数组42天
* @param date 日期对象或日期字符串
* @param proc 处理日历(和forEach类似)传递一个数组中的item
* @return Array
getCalendar(date, proc) {
let it = new Date(date),
calendars = [];
it.setDate(it.getDate() - ((it.getDay() == 0 ? 7 : it.getDay()) - 1)); //偏移量
for (let i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
let tmp = {
dateObj: new Date(it),
title: it.getDate(),
isOtherMonth: it.getMonth() < date.getMonth() || it.getMonth() > date.getMonth()
calendars.push(Object.assign(tmp, proc ? proc(tmp) : {}));
it.setDate(it.getDate() + 1);
return calendars;
* 获取日期到指定的月份1号(不改变原来的date对象)
* @param d Date对象
* @param v 指定的月份
* @return Date对象
getDateToMonth(d, v) {
let n = new Date(d);
n.setMonth(v, 1);
return n;
* 把时间数组转为时间字符串
* @param t Array[时,分,秒]
* @param showSecinds 是否显示秒
* @return 字符串 时:分[:秒]
formatTimeArray(t, s) {
let r = [...t];
if (!s) r.length = 2;
r.forEach((v, k) => r[k] = ('0' + v).slice(-2));
return r.join(':');
export default {
props: {
color: {
type: String,
default: '#409eff'
//是否显示秒 针对type为datetime或time时生效
showSeconds: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
value: [String, Array],
//类型date time datetime range rangetime
type: {
type: String,
default: 'range'
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
format: {
type: String,
default: ''
showHoliday: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
showTips: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
//开始文案 针对type为范围选择时生效
beginText: {
type: String,
default: ''
//结束文案 针对type为范围选择时生效
endText: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {
isShow: false, //是否显示
isMultiSelect: false, //是否为多选
isContainTime: false, //是否包含时间
date: {}, //当前日期对象
weeks: ["一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "日"],
title: '初始化', //标题
calendars: [[],[],[]], //日历数组
calendarIndex: 1, //当前日历索引
checkeds: [], //选中的日期对象集合
showTimePicker: false, //是否显示时间选择器
timeValue: [0, 0, 0], //时间选择器的值
timeType: 'begin', //当前时间选择的类型
beginTime: [0, 0, 0], //当前所选的开始时间值
endTime: [0, 0, 0], //当前所选的结束时间值
methods: {
setValue(value) { = new Date();
this.checkeds = [];
this.isMultiSelect = this.type.indexOf('range') >= 0;
this.isContainTime = this.type.indexOf('time') >= 0;
let parseDateStr = (str) => (this.format ? DateTools.inverse(str, this.format) : DateTools.parse(str));
if (value) {
if (this.isMultiSelect) {
Array.isArray(value) && value.forEach((dateStr, index) => {
let date = parseDateStr(dateStr);
let time = [date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()];
if (index == 0) this.beginTime = time;
else this.endTime = time;
} else {
if (this.type == 'time') {
let date = parseDateStr('2019/1/1 ' + value);
this.beginTime = [date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()];
} else {
if (this.isContainTime) this.beginTime = [
if (this.checkeds.length) = new Date(this.checkeds[0]);
} else {
if (this.isContainTime) {
this.beginTime = [,,];
if (this.isMultiSelect) this.endTime = [...this.beginTime];
this.checkeds.push(new Date(;
if (this.type != 'time') this.refreshCalendars(true);
else this.onShowTimePicker('begin');
onSetYear(value) { + parseInt(value));
onSetMonth(value) { + parseInt(value));
onTimeChange(e) {
this.timeValue = e.detail.value;
onShowTimePicker(type) {
this.showTimePicker = true;
this.timeType = type;
this.timeValue = type == 'begin' ? [...this.beginTime] : [...this.endTime];
procCalendar(item) {
item.statusStyle = {
opacity: 1,
color: item.isOtherMonth ? '#ddd' : '#000',
background: 'transparent'
item.bgStyle = {
type: '',
background: 'transparent'
item.dotStyle = {
opacity: 1,
background: 'transparent'
}; = "";
if (DateTools.isSameDay(new Date(), item.dateObj)) {
item.statusStyle.color = this.color;
if (item.isOtherMonth) item.statusStyle.opacity = 0.3;
this.checkeds.forEach(date => {
if (DateTools.isSameDay(date, item.dateObj)) {
item.statusStyle.background = this.color;
item.statusStyle.color = '#fff';
item.statusStyle.opacity = 1;
if (this.isMultiSelect && this.showTips) = this.beginText;
if (item.statusStyle.background != this.color) {
let holiday = this.showHoliday ? DateTools.getHoliday(item.dateObj) : false;
if (holiday || DateTools.isSameDay(new Date(), item.dateObj)) {
item.title = holiday || item.title;
item.dotStyle.background = this.color;
if (item.isOtherMonth) item.dotStyle.opacity = 0.2;
} else {
item.title = item.dateObj.getDate();
if (this.checkeds.length == 2) {
if (DateTools.isSameDay(this.checkeds[0], item.dateObj)) { //开始日期
item.bgStyle.type = 'bgbegin';
if (DateTools.isSameDay(this.checkeds[1], item.dateObj)) { //结束日期
if (this.isMultiSelect && this.showTips) = item.bgStyle.type ? this.beginText + ' / ' + this.endText : this.endText;
if (!item.bgStyle.type) { //开始日期不等于结束日期
item.bgStyle.type = 'bgend';
} else {
item.bgStyle.type = '';
if (!item.bgStyle.type && (+item.dateObj > +this.checkeds[0] && +item.dateObj < +this.checkeds[1])) { //中间的日期
item.bgStyle.type = 'bg';
item.statusStyle.color = this.color;
if (item.bgStyle.type) {
item.bgStyle.background = this.color;
item.dotStyle.opacity = 1;
item.statusStyle.opacity = 1;
refreshCalendars(refresh = false) {
let date = new Date(;
let before = DateTools.getDateToMonth(date, date.getMonth() - 1);
let after = DateTools.getDateToMonth(date, date.getMonth() + 1);
if (this.calendarIndex == 0) {
if(refresh) this.calendars.splice(0, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(date, this.procCalendar));
this.calendars.splice(1, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(after, this.procCalendar));
this.calendars.splice(2, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(before, this.procCalendar));
} else if (this.calendarIndex == 1) {
this.calendars.splice(0, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(before, this.procCalendar));
if(refresh) this.calendars.splice(1, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(date, this.procCalendar));
this.calendars.splice(2, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(after, this.procCalendar));
} else if (this.calendarIndex == 2) {
this.calendars.splice(0, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(after, this.procCalendar));
this.calendars.splice(1, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(before, this.procCalendar));
if(refresh) this.calendars.splice(2, 1, DateTools.getCalendar(date, this.procCalendar));
this.title = DateTools.format(, 'yyyy年mm月');
onSwiperChange(e) {
this.calendarIndex = e.detail.current;
let calendar = this.calendars[this.calendarIndex]; = new Date(calendar[22].dateObj); //取中间一天,保证是当前的月份
onSelectDate(date) {
if (~this.type.indexOf('range') && this.checkeds.length == 2) this.checkeds = [];
else if (!(~this.type.indexOf('range')) && this.checkeds.length) this.checkeds = [];
this.checkeds.push(new Date(date.dateObj));
this.checkeds.sort((a, b) => a - b); //从小到大排序
this.calendars.forEach(calendar => {
calendar.forEach(this.procCalendar); //重新处理
onCancelTime() {
this.showTimePicker = false;
this.type == 'time' && this.onCancel();
onConfirmTime() {
if (this.timeType == 'begin') this.beginTime = this.timeValue;
else this.endTime = this.timeValue;
this.showTimePicker = false;
this.type == 'time' && this.onConfirm();
onCancel() {
this.$emit('cancel', false);
onConfirm() {
let result = {
value: null,
date: null
let defaultFormat = {
'date': 'yyyy/mm/dd',
'time': 'hh:ii' + (this.showSeconds ? ':ss' : ''),
'datetime': ''
defaultFormat['datetime'] = + ' ' + defaultFormat.time;
let fillTime = (date, timeArr) => {
date.setHours(timeArr[0], timeArr[1]);
if (this.showSeconds) date.setSeconds(timeArr[2]);
if (this.type == 'time') {
let date = new Date();
fillTime(date, this.beginTime);
result.value = DateTools.format(date, this.format ? this.format : defaultFormat.time); = date;
} else {
if (this.isMultiSelect) {
let values = [],
dates = [];
if (this.checkeds.length < 2) return uni.showToast({
icon: 'none',
title: '请选择两个日期'
this.checkeds.forEach((date, index) => {
let newDate = new Date(date);
if (this.isContainTime) {
let time = [this.beginTime, this.endTime];
fillTime(newDate, time[index]);
values.push(DateTools.format(newDate, this.format ? this.format : defaultFormat[this.isContainTime ?
'datetime' : 'date']));
result.value = values; = dates;
} else {
let newDate = new Date(this.checkeds[0]);
if (this.isContainTime) {
newDate.setHours(this.beginTime[0], this.beginTime[1]);
if (this.showSeconds) newDate.setSeconds(this.beginTime[2]);
result.value = DateTools.format(newDate, this.format ? this.format : defaultFormat[this.isContainTime ?
'datetime' : 'date']); = newDate;
this.$emit('confirm', result);
computed: {
BeginTitle() {
let value = '未选择';
if (this.checkeds.length) value = DateTools.format(this.checkeds[0], 'yy/mm/dd');
return value;
EndTitle() {
let value = '未选择';
if (this.checkeds.length == 2) value = DateTools.format(this.checkeds[1], 'yy/mm/dd');
return value;
PickerTimeTitle() {
return DateTools.formatTimeArray(this.timeValue, this.showSeconds);
BeginTimeTitle() {
return this.BeginTitle != '未选择' ? DateTools.formatTimeArray(this.beginTime, this.showSeconds) : '';
EndTimeTitle() {
return this.EndTitle != '未选择' ? DateTools.formatTimeArray(this.endTime, this.showSeconds) : '';
watch: {
show(newValue, oldValue) {
newValue && this.setValue(this.value);
this.isShow = newValue;
value(newValue, oldValue) {
}, 0);
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content: "\e63e";
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content: "\e640";
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content: "\e641";
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content: "\e642";