船名/Name of Ship:
航次/voy No:
Earlier this month ,one of EUKOR vessels was blown away more than 10 meters from berth by a suddenly extraordinary wind (speed >40M/S)within few seconds. The thunder storm warning had been forecasted just 5 minutes ago before the crisis, which left us few time to deal with. Fortunately the wind lasted very short time and no damage happened. Also in the summer time during the last 5 years some similar dangerous situation occurred due to the same reason. In order to avoid further accidents please obey the following requirements or your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising there from.
本月初,有一艘EUKOR船公司的滚装船在几秒钟之内就被突风(风速>40米/秒)吹离泊位超过10米远。 而雷电风暴气象警告仅仅在事发前5分钟才发布预警,导致几乎没有时间去做防范工作。 幸运的是突风持续时间很短,所以没有造成任何破坏性后果。在过去5年的夏天,由于同样的原因,也发生过类似的事故。 所以为了避免再次发生类似的事故,请您遵守以下规定,否则您将对其产生的一切后果负责。
1.Take breast lines when berthing.
1. 靠泊时请在船头和船尾各加带横缆
2.Tighten all the lines and keep duty man patrolling all the time.
2. 在泊期间请时刻保持缆绳处于收紧状态并安排专人进行巡检
3.Stand by engine and bow thruster at once when informed by terminal or at any time in case of emergency.
3. 在发生紧急情况和接到码头通知后,请立即备车并启动侧推
4. Prepare one more line fore and after on board for rescue.
4. 为了应对紧急情况,请你在船头和船尾各准备一根缆绳备用
5.Cooperate with terminal when needed for safety.
5. 为了您的船舶安全,请您配合码头采取的进一步防范措施。
Capt/Chief Mate: