上海海通国际汽车码头有限公司 Shanghai HaiTong International Automotive Terminal Co.,Ltd. |
QR-7.5.1-01-11-M |
海通码头船舶装/卸质量意见征询单 Form Seeking Advice On The Quality Of Vessel Loading/Discharge |
泊位(Berth No): | {{tableInfo.bthIdName}} | 日期Date: | {{tableInfo.operationDate}} |
船名(Name Of vessel) | 航次(Voyage No.) | 备件数量 |
{{shipInfo.vslCnname}} | {{tableInfo.vvyName}} |
{{tableInfo.spareNumber}} |
Following Blanks are to Be Filled in by the carrier (以下请船方填写) |
1.Did our terminal operation meet the requiremants of the carrier? (港方按照船方实施装/卸?) |
2.Did the vehicle travel following the linited speed in cargo hold? (船舱内按照规定速度行驶?) |
3.Not founded The roughly opertions? (无野蛮作业?) |
4.Did the Terminal Cooperated other requirmants of Carrier? (积极配合船方的其他要求?) |
POINT SCORING: -1 poor -2 below average -3 average -4 good -5 excellent |
Other coments: (其他意见) |
Captain/Chief Officer(船方签章):
Signature of Foreman(单船指导员签名):
Signature of Duty manger(值班经理签名):
地址(Address):上海浦东港建路1919号(1919 GangJian Road,PuDong ShangHai) 电话(Tel):203009604&68685186 |