上海海通国际汽车码头有限公司 Shanghai HaiTong International Automotive Terminal Co.,Ltd. |
QR-7.5.1-01-11-M |
海通码头船舶装/卸货通知单 Vessel Operation Notic |
船名(M/V): | {{shipInfo.vslCnname}} | 航次(Voy): | {{vvyName}} | 日期Date: | {{date}} |
检查项目(Check List) | YES | NO |
1.Was the effective cushion put under ramp? 有效衬垫物已放在跳板下? |
2.The ship's height and with of deck、slope、passage、route way ete.should be accorded with the loading/unloading? 船舶装卸货物的甲板高度、宽度、通道等入口应当符合此次装/卸货物的安全要求? |
3.Has the following equipments been propared and checked? 下列设备已备好并检查? |
1)Ship's ramp,including stem-ramp、side-ramp、and inner-ramp. 船舶所有跳板处于有效、可用的工作状态 |
2)The deck of loaded cargo has been using in condition. 装卸货的甲板处于良好、可用的状态 |
3)All of the rout way is clear and effective in loaded cargo deck. 所有通道保持有效的畅通 |
4)Ventilation equipment are guarantced and keep ready. 通风设备已经开启并且设备良好 |
5)The illuminative equipment are in good condition. 创仓内照明设备良好 |
6)Claspers、chain、cloth mat、rubber mat and wooden place are enough and effective. 绑扎帯、绑扎链条等绑扎材料、垫衬和垫料是足够且可用 |
4.Are the safe working load of stern ramp/side ramp safety and effective for this cargo operation. 尾跳和中跳的安全符合此次的装货的要求 |
5.Pay attention to stevedores working area. 船员在工人作业区域要高度注意安全 |
Signature of Duty manger(值班经理签名):