2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
< template >
< view class = "shiftAdd" >
2023-08-24 16:22:29 +08:00
< head -view :title ="title" > < / h e a d - v i e w >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< view class = "container contentFixed" >
< view class = "paddingBox" >
< view class = "ul ulInfo" >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< view class = "li" >
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
< p > 船名 : < / p >
2023-08-23 17:42:44 +08:00
< text > { { shipInfo . vslCnname } } < / text >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 航次 : < / p >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< uni -data -select v -model = " hcValue " :localdata ="hcList" @change ="hcChange" placeholder = "请选择航次"
: disabled = "jzXgType" > < / u n i - d a t a - s e l e c t >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
< p > 进出口 : < / p >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< text > { { importExportFlagName } } < / text >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
< p > 贸易类型 : < / p >
2023-11-21 17:43:02 +08:00
< text > { { spmTradeName } } < / text >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 装卸类型 : < / p >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< uni -data -select v -model = " zxValue " :localdata ="zxList" @change ="zxChange" placeholder = "请选择装卸类型"
: disabled = "jzXgType" > < / u n i - d a t a - s e l e c t >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< / view >
< van -tabs v -model = " active " @click ="onTabs" line -width = " 100px " line -height = " 5px " color = "#0067CF"
title - active - color = "#0067CF" >
< van -tab title = "工班信息" >
< view class = "masonry" >
< view class = "addBox" @click ="ulAdd1" v-if =" ulList1.length == 0" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加工班 < / p >
< / view >
< / view >
< view class = "masonryLi" v-for ="(item,index) in ulList1" :key="index+'ul'" >
< view class = "addBox" @click ="ulAdd1" v-if ="index == 0" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加工班 < / p >
< / view >
< / view >
< view class = "ul" >
< view class = "delBox" @click ="delGb(item,index)" > × < / view >
< view class = "li widthLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 工班 : < / p >
< uni -data -select v -model = " item.gbValue " :localdata ="gbList"
@ change = "gbChange(item,index)" placeholder = "请选择工班" > < / u n i - d a t a - s e l e c t >
< / view >
< view class = "li widthLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 作业时间 : < / p >
< uni -datetime -picker v -if = " flag " v -model = " item.datetime " type = "datetimerange"
rangeSeparator = "-" @ change = "changeLog(item,'gb')" : hide - second = "true"
: border = "false" / >
< / view >
< view class = "carAddBox" @click ="ulAdd2(index)" v-if ="item.ulList2.length == 0" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加工班信息 < / p >
< / view >
< / view >
< view class = "widthLi" v-for ="(item2,index2) in item.ulList2" :key="index2+'ul2'" >
< view class = "carAddBox" @click ="ulAdd2(index)" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加工班信息 < / p >
< / view >
< / view >
< view class = "ul carLi" >
< view class = "delBox" @click ="delGb2(item2,index,index2)" > × < / view >
< view class = "li widthLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 车型 : < / p >
< uni -data -select v -model = " item2.carType " :localdata ="cxList"
@ change = "cxChange(item,index,item2,index2)"
placeholder = "请选择车型" > < / u n i - d a t a - s e l e c t >
< / view >
< view class = "li widthLi" >
< p > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 数量 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item2.goodsNumber " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li widthLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 装卸方式 : < / p >
< uni -data -select v -model = " item2.loadingType " :localdata ="fsList"
@ change = "fsChange(item,index,item2,index2)"
placeholder = "请选择装卸方式" > < / u n i - d a t a - s e l e c t >
< / view >
< view class = "li widthLi iLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 备注 : < / p >
< uni -easyinput type = "textarea" autoHeight v -model = " item2.remark "
placeholder = "请输入任务描述(200字以内)" maxlength = "200" > < / u n i - e a s y i n p u t >
< / view >
< / view >
< / view >
< / view >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< / view >
< / v a n - t a b >
< van -tab title = "翻仓信息" >
< view class = "masonry" >
< view class = "addBox" @click ="fcAdd" v-if =" fcUlList.length == 0" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加翻仓 < / p >
< / view >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< view class = "masonryLi" v-for ="(item,index) in fcUlList" :key="index + 'fc'" >
< view class = "addBox" @click ="fcAdd" v-if ="index == 0" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加翻仓 < / p >
< / view >
< / view >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< view class = "ul" >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< view class = "delBox" @click ="delFc(item,index)" > × < / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 翻仓类型 : < / p >
< uni -data -select v -model = " item.retallyType " :localdata ="fcList"
@ change = "fcChange(item,index)" > < / u n i - d a t a - s e l e c t >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 翻舱起点位置 : < / p >
< uni -easyinput v-model ="item.retallyOrigin" placeholder="请输入翻舱起点位置" > < / uni -easyinput >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 翻舱终点位置 : < / p >
< uni -easyinput v -model = " item.retallyTerminus "
placeholder = "请输入翻舱终点位置" > < / u n i - e a s y i n p u t >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 作业时间 : < / p >
< uni -datetime -picker v -if = " flag " v -model = " item.datetime " type = "datetimerange"
rangeSeparator = "-" @ change = "changeLog(item,'fc')" : hide - second = "true"
: border = "false" / >
< / view >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 车型 : < / p >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< uni -data -select v -model = " item.carType " :localdata ="cxList"
@ change = "fccxChange(item,index)" > < / u n i - d a t a - s e l e c t >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" v-if ="!item.mfType" > * < / text > 数 量 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.goodsNumber " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" v-if ="item.mfType" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" > * < / text > 组数 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.mafiGroupNum " :max ="1000000000" / >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" v-if ="!item.mfType" > * < / text > 体 积 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.goodsVolume " :max ="1000000000" / >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > < text class = "required" v-if ="!item.mfType" > * < / text > 重 量 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.goodsWeight " :max ="1000000000" / >
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
< / view >
< / view >
< / view >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< / v a n - t a b >
< van -tab title = "其他信息" >
< view class = "masonry" >
< view class = "addBox" @click ="qtAdd" v-if =" otherArr.length == 0" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加其他 < / p >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< / view >
< view class = "masonryLi qtUl" v-for ="(item,index) in otherArr" :key ="index" >
< view class = "addBox" @click ="qtAdd" v-if =" index == 0" >
< view class = "imgBox" >
< image src = "../../static/images/addIcon.png" mode = "" > < / image >
< p > 添加其他 < / p >
< / view >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< view class = "ul" >
< p class = "title" > 辅助作业 < / p >
< view class = "delBox" @click ="delQt(item,index)" > × < / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 技术工人 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.jsworker " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 作业时间 : < / p >
< uni -datetime -picker v -if = " flag " v -model = " item.datetime " type = "datetimerange"
rangeSeparator = "-" @ change = "changeLog(item,'other')" : hide - second = "true"
: border = "false" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 重量 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.zlValue " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 体积 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.tjValue " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 普通工人 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.ptworker " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 作业时间 : < / p >
< uni -datetime -picker v -if = " flag " v -model = " item.datetime2 " type = "datetimerange"
rangeSeparator = "-" @ change = "changeLog(item,'other2')" : hide - second = "true"
: border = "false" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 重量 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.zlValue2 " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 体积 : < / p >
< uni -number -box v -model = " item.tjValue2 " :max ="1000000000" / >
< / view >
< view class = "li iLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 描述 : < / p >
< uni -easyinput type = "textarea" autoHeight v -model = " item.describe "
placeholder = "请输入任务描述(200字以内)" maxlength = "200" > < / u n i - e a s y i n p u t >
< / view >
< p class = "title" > 待工作业 < / p >
< view class = "li iLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 描述 : < / p >
< uni -easyinput type = "textarea" autoHeight v -model = " item.dgWork "
placeholder = "请输入任务描述(200字以内)" maxlength = "200" > < / u n i - e a s y i n p u t >
< / view >
< p class = "title" > 作业备注 < / p >
< view class = "li iLi" >
< p class = "liTitle" > 描述 : < / p >
< uni -easyinput type = "textarea" autoHeight v -model = " item.remark "
placeholder = "请输入任务描述(200字以内)" maxlength = "200" > < / u n i - e a s y i n p u t >
< / view >
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
< / view >
< / view >
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< / v a n - t a b >
< / v a n - t a b s >
< / view >
< view class = "btnList" >
< van -button type = "default" @click ="cancel" > 取 消 < / van -button >
< van -button type = "info" @click ="save" > 保 存 < / van -button >
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
< / view >
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
< LotusLoading :lotusLoadingData ="lotusLoadingData" > < / LotusLoading >
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
< / view >
< / template >
< script >
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
import sqlite from "../../common/sqlite.js"
2023-08-04 17:06:33 +08:00
import api from "../../common/api.js"
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
import LotusLoading from "../../components/Winglau14-lotusLoading/Winglau14-LotusLoading.vue" ;
2023-08-04 17:06:33 +08:00
import {
v4 as uuidv4
} from 'uuid' ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
export default {
data ( ) {
return {
2023-08-24 16:22:29 +08:00
title : "" ,
2023-08-23 17:42:44 +08:00
shipInfo : { } ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
obj : { } ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
vtpId : "" ,
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
dataInfo : { } ,
shiftRowIndex : 0 ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
active : 0 ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
infoVvyArr : [ ] , // 工班信息已有航次
jzXgType : false , // 编辑状态禁止修改内容
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
// 工班信息
// 航次下拉框
hcValue : "" ,
hcTextValue : "" ,
hcList : [ ] ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 装卸类型下拉框
zxValue : "" ,
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
zxTextValue : "" ,
zxList : [ ] ,
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
ulList1 : [ ] ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
// 工班基本信息
jbGbList : [ ] ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 工班下拉框
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
gbList : [ ] ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
// 工班固定开始时间
sShiftDate : "" ,
// 工班开始时间时间戳
ksTime : "" ,
// 工班固定结束时间
eShiftDate : "" ,
// 工班结束时间时间戳
jsTime : "" ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 车型下拉
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
cxList : [ ] ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 装卸方式下拉
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
fsList : [ ] ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
// 翻仓信息
// 翻仓类型下拉
2023-07-20 17:16:08 +08:00
fcList : [ ] ,
2023-11-13 10:11:34 +08:00
fcUlList : [ ] ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
// 其他信息
2023-11-13 10:11:34 +08:00
otherArr : [ ] ,
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
// 下拉数据
optionData : [ ] ,
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
// 删除翻仓信息展示id
delSrmIds : [ ] ,
// 删除其他信息id
delSoiIds : [ ] ,
vvyInfo : [ ] ,
importExportFlagName : "" ,
2023-11-21 17:43:02 +08:00
spmTradeName : "" ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
contactId : "" ,
2023-08-23 17:42:44 +08:00
aId : "" ,
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
// 工班删除ids
shiftDelList : [ ] ,
// 工班信息删除ids
shiftInfoDelList : [ ] ,
// 翻仓信息删除ids
fcInfoDelList : [ ] ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
// 其他信息删除ids
otherDelList : [ ] ,
// 作业开始时间
beginDate : "" ,
// 作业结束时间
endDate : "" ,
flag : true ,
lotusLoadingData : {
isShow : false //设置显示加载中组件true显示false隐藏
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
} ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
components : {
} ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
onLoad ( options ) {
if ( 'params' in options ) {
// 获取传递的对象参数, 使用decodeURIComponent解码, 并转为对象
this . obj = JSON . parse ( decodeURIComponent ( options . params ) )
} ,
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
mounted ( ) {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . vtpId = uni . getStorageSync ( 'vtpId' )
this . delSrmIds = uni . getStorageSync ( "delSrmIds" )
this . delSoiIds = uni . getStorageSync ( "delSoiIds" )
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . executeSql2 ( 'shipOption' )
this . executeSql2 ( 'shipInfoTable' )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . executeSql2 ( 'shipmentBasicShiftList' )
this . executeSql2 ( "voyageScheduleDataDetailRespDTOList" )
this . executeSql2 ( "workMessageRespList" )
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
if ( this . obj . state == 'edit' ) {
2023-08-24 16:22:29 +08:00
this . title = "编辑工班信息"
2023-08-23 17:42:44 +08:00
this . dataInfo = uni . getStorageSync ( 'shiftRow' )
this . contactId = this . dataInfo [ 0 ] . contactId
this . aId = this . dataInfo [ 0 ] . aId
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . ulList1 = [ ]
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . editData ( ) ;
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . jzXgType = true
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
} else if ( this . obj . state == 'add' ) {
2023-08-24 16:22:29 +08:00
this . title = "新增工班信息"
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . ulList1 = [ {
gbValue : "" ,
gbTextValue : "" ,
datetime : [ '' , '' ] ,
startTime : "" ,
endTime : "" ,
ulList2 : [ {
carType : "" ,
carTypeName : "" ,
goodsNumber : 0 ,
loadingType : "" ,
loadingTypeName : "" ,
remark : "" ,
} ]
} ]
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
} ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
methods : {
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
// 查
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
executeSql2 ( tableName ) {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
let sql = ` select * from ${ tableName } WHERE vtpId = ' ${ this . vtpId } '; `
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
sqlite . executeSqlCeshi ( sql ) . then ( ( value ) => {
if ( tableName == 'shipOption' ) {
this . optionData = value
this . getShip ( )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
} else if ( tableName == 'shipInfoTable' ) {
2023-08-23 17:42:44 +08:00
this . shipInfo = value [ 0 ]
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
} else if ( tableName == 'voyageScheduleDataDetailRespDTOList' ) {
this . vvyInfo = value
value . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
this . hcList . push ( {
text : v . vvyName ,
value : v . vvyId
} )
} )
} else if ( tableName == "shipmentBasicShiftList" ) {
this . jbGbList = value
let gbOption = [ ]
this . jbGbList . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
gbOption . push ( v )
} )
gbOption . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
this . gbList . push ( {
text : v . pwcTypeDesc ,
value : v . pwcCode ,
} )
} )
this . beginDate = this . jbGbList [ 0 ] . beginTime
this . endDate = this . jbGbList [ 2 ] . endTime
} else if ( tableName == "workMessageRespList" ) {
value . forEach ( v => {
this . infoVvyArr . push ( v . vvyId )
} )
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
} )
} ,
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
executeSql1 ( tableName ) {
2023-08-23 17:42:44 +08:00
let sql = ` select * from ${ tableName } WHERE aId = ' ${ this . aId } '; `
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
sqlite . executeSqlCeshi ( sql ) . then ( ( value ) => {
// 在resolve时执行的回调函数
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
if ( tableName == 'workMessageRespList' ) {
this . hcValue = value [ 0 ] . vvyId
this . hcTextValue = value [ 0 ] . vvyName
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . importExportFlagName = value [ 0 ] . importExportFlagName
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . zxValue = value [ 0 ] . loadType
this . zxTextValue = value [ 0 ] . loadTypeName
this . ulList1 = [ ]
value . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
let obj = {
webId : v . webId ,
contactId : v . contactId ,
datetime : [ v . workStartTime , v . workEndTime ] ,
startTime : v . workStartTime ,
endTime : v . workEndTime ,
gbValue : v . pwcType ,
gbTextValue : v . pwcTypeName ,
ulList2 : [ ]
this . getData ( obj )
} )
} else if ( tableName == 'retallyMessageRespList' ) {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( value . length > 0 ) {
this . fcUlList = value
this . fcUlList . forEach ( v => {
this . $set ( v , "datetime" , [ v . retallyStartTime , v . retallyEndTime ] )
this . $set ( v , "mfType" , false )
if ( v . carTypeName == '空马菲' ) {
this . $set ( v , "mfType" , true )
} )
} else {
this . fcUlList = [ {
retallyType : "" ,
retallyTypeName : "" ,
retallyOrigin : "" ,
retallyTerminus : "" ,
carType : "" ,
carTypeName : "" ,
datetime : [ '' , '' ] ,
retallyStartTime : "" ,
retallyEndTime : "" ,
goodsNumber : 0 ,
goodsVolume : 0 ,
goodsWeight : 0 ,
mafiGroupNum : 0 ,
mfType : false ,
editStatus : 0 ,
} ]
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
} else if ( tableName == 'infoRespList' ) {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( value . length == 0 ) {
this . otherArr = [ {
webId : '' ,
contactId : '' ,
jsworker : 0 ,
datetime : [ '' , '' ] ,
startTime : '' ,
endTime : '' ,
zlValue : 0 ,
tjValue : 0 ,
ptworker : 0 ,
datetime2 : [ '' , '' ] ,
startTime2 : '' ,
endTime2 : '' ,
zlValue2 : 0 ,
tjValue2 : 0 ,
describe : '' ,
dgWork : '' ,
remark : ''
} ]
} else {
this . otherArr = [ ]
value . forEach ( v => {
let obj = {
webId : v . webId ,
contactId : v . contactId ,
jsworker : v . tecNum ,
datetime : [ v . startTm , v . endTm ] ,
startTime : v . startTm ,
endTime : v . endTm ,
zlValue : v . weight ,
tjValue : v . volume ,
ptworker : v . genNum ,
datetime2 : [ v . startTmPt , v . endTmPt ] ,
startTime2 : v . startTmPt ,
endTime2 : v . endTmPt ,
zlValue2 : v . weightPt ,
tjValue2 : v . volumePt ,
describe : v . auxRemark ,
dgWork : v . waitRemark ,
remark : v . workRemark ,
if ( v . webId != '' ) {
this . otherArr . push ( obj )
} )
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
} ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
// 在reject时执行的回调函数
console . error ( error ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
getData ( obj ) {
let sql = ` select * from workMessageRespInfoList WHERE contactId = ' ${ obj . webId } '; `
sqlite . executeSqlCeshi ( sql ) . then ( ( value ) => {
obj . ulList2 = value
this . ulList1 . push ( obj )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
let sDate = ""
let eDate = ""
this . ulList1 . forEach ( v => {
this . jbGbList . forEach ( v2 => {
if ( v . gbValue == v2 . pwcCode ) {
sDate = v2 . beginTime
eDate = v2 . endTime
this . $set ( v , "sDate" , sDate )
this . $set ( v , "eDate" , eDate )
} )
} )
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
} ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
// 在reject时执行的回调函数
console . error ( error ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
// 获取船只信息
getShip ( ) {
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
// 装卸类型数据
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
let zxOption = [ ]
this . optionData . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
if ( v . dictionariesName == 'handTypeList' ) {
zxOption . push ( v )
} )
zxOption . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
this . zxList . push ( {
text : v . ptrDesc ,
value : v . ptrCode
} )
} )
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
// 车型数据
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
let cxOption = [ ]
this . optionData . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
if ( v . dictionariesName == 'carList' ) {
cxOption . push ( v )
} )
cxOption . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . cxList . push ( {
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
text : v . ptrDesc ,
value : v . ptrCode
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} )
} )
// 装卸方式
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
let fsOption = [ ]
this . optionData . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
if ( v . dictionariesName == 'loadTypeList' ) {
fsOption . push ( v )
} )
fsOption . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . fsList . push ( {
text : v . ptrDesc ,
value : v . ptrCode
} )
} )
// 翻仓类型
2023-08-03 15:36:23 +08:00
let fcOption = [ ]
this . optionData . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
if ( v . dictionariesName == 'turnoverTypeList' ) {
fcOption . push ( v )
} )
fcOption . forEach ( ( v , index ) => {
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . fcList . push ( {
2023-07-20 17:16:08 +08:00
text : v . ptrDesc ,
value : v . ptrCode
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} )
} )
} ,
editData ( ) {
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . executeSql1 ( 'workMessageRespList' )
this . executeSql1 ( 'retallyMessageRespList' )
this . executeSql1 ( 'infoRespList' )
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
} ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
// 切换标签
onTabs ( e ) {
this . active = e . detail . index
} ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
// 工班信息相关
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 航次下拉
hcChange ( e ) {
this . hcValue = e ;
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
this . hcList . forEach ( v => {
if ( v . value == e ) {
this . hcTextValue = v . text
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . vvyInfo . forEach ( v => {
if ( v . vvyId == e ) {
this . importExportFlagName = v . importExportFlagName
2023-11-21 17:43:02 +08:00
this . spmTradeName = v . tradeTypeName
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
} )
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
} ,
// 装卸类型下拉
zxChange ( e ) {
this . zxValue = e ;
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
this . zxList . forEach ( v => {
if ( v . value == e ) {
this . zxTextValue = v . text
} )
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
} ,
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
// 工班信息添加
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
ulAdd1 ( ) {
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
this . ulList1 . push ( {
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
datetime : [ '' , '' ] ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
startTime : "" ,
endTime : "" ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
gbValue : "" ,
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
gbTextValue : "" ,
ulList2 : [ {
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
carType : "" ,
carTypeName : "" ,
goodsNumber : 0 ,
loadingType : "" ,
loadingTypeName : "" ,
remark : "" ,
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
} ] ,
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '添加工班成功'
} ) ;
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
} ,
ulAdd2 ( index ) {
this . ulList1 [ index ] . ulList2 . push ( {
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
carType : "" ,
carTypeName : "" ,
goodsNumber : 0 ,
loadingType : "" ,
loadingTypeName : "" ,
remark : "" ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '添加工班信息成功'
} ) ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
} ,
// 工班下拉
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
gbChange ( e , index ) {
this . ulList1 [ index ] . gbValue = e . gbValue
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . gbList . forEach ( v => {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( v . value == e . gbValue ) {
e . gbTextValue = v . text
} )
let beginTime = ""
let endTime = ""
this . jbGbList . forEach ( v => {
if ( v . pwcCode == e . gbValue ) {
beginTime = v . beginTime
endTime = v . endTime
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . sShiftDate = beginTime
this . eShiftDate = endTime
2023-11-13 10:11:34 +08:00
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 作业时间
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
changeLog ( item , type ) {
this . lotusLoadingData . isShow = true
if ( item . sDate != undefined ) {
this . sShiftDate = item . sDate
this . eShiftDate = item . eDate
let that = this
// 选择开始结束时间时分
let sTime = item . datetime [ 0 ] . slice ( item . datetime [ 0 ] . length - 5 )
let eTime = item . datetime [ 1 ] . slice ( item . datetime [ 1 ] . length - 5 )
// 获取开始结束时间年月日
let sYMD = item . datetime [ 0 ] . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ]
let eYMD = item . datetime [ 1 ] . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ]
// 工班作业时间
if ( this . active == 0 ) {
if ( item . gbValue != "" ) {
let sresDate = api . HMS _daxiao ( this . sShiftDate , sTime )
let eresDate = api . HMS _daxiao ( this . eShiftDate , eTime )
if ( sYMD != eYMD ) {
if ( sresDate <= 0 && eresDate >= 0 ) {
that . flag = true
item . startTime = item . datetime [ 0 ]
item . endTime = item . datetime [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime = ""
item . endTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的工班作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else {
2023-12-14 17:02:53 +08:00
if ( item . gbTextValue == "一工班" ) {
if ( sresDate >= 0 && eresDate >= 0 ) {
that . flag = true
item . startTime = item . datetime [ 0 ]
item . endTime = item . datetime [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime = ""
item . endTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的工班作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
} else {
2023-12-14 17:02:53 +08:00
if ( sresDate <= 0 && eresDate >= 0 ) {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
that . flag = true
2023-12-14 17:02:53 +08:00
item . startTime = item . datetime [ 0 ]
item . endTime = item . datetime [ 1 ]
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
2023-12-14 17:02:53 +08:00
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime = ""
item . endTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的工班作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
} else {
this . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请先选择工班 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
// 获取开始结束时间的时间戳
let sT = Date . parse ( item . datetime [ 0 ] )
let eT = Date . parse ( item . datetime [ 1 ] )
// 获取开始结束时间时分转数字
let nsTime = Number ( ( sTime . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
let neTime = Number ( ( eTime . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
// 获取限定范围开始结束时间时分转数字
let xsTime = Number ( ( this . beginDate . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
let xeTime = Number ( ( this . endDate . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
// 翻仓作业时间
if ( this . active == 1 ) {
if ( eT - sT <= 86400000 && eT - sT >= 0 ) {
if ( sYMD != eYMD ) {
if ( nsTime >= xsTime ) {
that . flag = true
item . retallyStartTime = item . datetime [ 0 ]
item . retallyEndTime = item . datetime [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . retallyStartTime = ""
item . retallyEndTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else {
if ( neTime <= xeTime ) {
that . flag = true
item . retallyStartTime = item . datetime [ 0 ]
item . retallyEndTime = item . datetime [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . retallyStartTime = ""
item . retallyEndTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . retallyStartTime = ""
item . retallyEndTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
if ( this . active == 2 ) {
if ( type = 'other' ) {
// 取技工开始结束年月日
let sNyr = item . datetime [ 0 ] . slice ( 0 , 10 )
let eNyr = item . datetime [ 1 ] . slice ( 0 , 10 )
} else if ( type == 'other2' ) {
// 取技工开始结束年月日
let sNyr2 = item . datetime2 [ 0 ] . slice ( 0 , 10 )
let eNyr2 = item . datetime2 [ 1 ] . slice ( 0 , 10 )
// 取技工开始结束时分秒
let sSfm2 = item . datetime2 [ 0 ] . slice ( item . datetime2 [ 0 ] . length - 5 )
let eSfm2 = item . datetime2 [ 1 ] . slice ( item . datetime2 [ 1 ] . length - 5 )
// let isType = false
// if (sSfm2 >= xsTime && eSfm2 < xeTime) {
// if (sNyr == sNyr2) {
// isType = true
// } else {
// isType = false
// uni.showToast({
// title: `请跟技工时间在同一昼夜`,
// icon: 'none',
// duration: 2000
// })
// }
// }
if ( type == 'other' ) {
if ( eT - sT <= 86400000 && eT - sT >= 0 ) {
if ( sYMD != eYMD ) {
if ( nsTime >= xsTime ) {
that . flag = true
item . startTime = item . datetime [ 0 ]
item . endTime = item . datetime [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime = ""
item . endTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else {
if ( neTime <= xeTime ) {
that . flag = true
item . startTime = item . datetime [ 0 ]
item . endTime = item . datetime [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime = ""
item . endTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else {
item . datetime = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime = ""
item . endTime = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else if ( type == 'other2' ) {
let sTime2 = item . datetime2 [ 0 ] . slice ( item . datetime2 [ 0 ] . length - 5 )
let eTime2 = item . datetime2 [ 1 ] . slice ( item . datetime2 [ 1 ] . length - 5 )
// 获取开始结束时间的时间戳
let sT2 = Date . parse ( item . datetime2 [ 0 ] )
let eT2 = Date . parse ( item . datetime2 [ 1 ] )
// 获取开始结束时间年月日
let sYMD2 = item . datetime2 [ 0 ] . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ]
let eYMD2 = item . datetime2 [ 1 ] . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ]
// 获取开始结束时间时分转数字
let nsTime2 = Number ( ( sTime2 . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
let neTime2 = Number ( ( eTime2 . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
// 获取限定范围开始结束时间时分转数字
let xsTime2 = Number ( ( this . beginDate . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
let xeTime2 = Number ( ( this . endDate . split ( ':' ) ) . join ( '' ) )
if ( eT2 - sT2 <= 86400000 && eT2 - sT2 >= 0 ) {
if ( sYMD2 != eYMD2 ) {
if ( nsTime2 >= xeTime2 ) {
that . flag = true
item . startTime2 = item . datetime2 [ 0 ]
item . endTime2 = item . datetime2 [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime2 = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime2 = ""
item . endTime2 = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else {
if ( neTime2 <= xeTime2 ) {
that . flag = true
item . startTime2 = item . datetime2 [ 0 ]
item . endTime2 = item . datetime2 [ 1 ]
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} else {
item . datetime2 = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime2 = ""
item . endTime2 = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
} else {
item . datetime2 = [ "" , "" ]
item . startTime2 = ""
item . endTime2 = ""
that . flag = false
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
that . flag = true
that . lotusLoadingData . isShow = false
} , 200 )
uni . showToast ( {
title : ` 请输入正确的作业时间范围 ` ,
icon : 'none' ,
duration : 2000
} )
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} ,
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
// 工班信息删除
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
delGb ( item , index ) {
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
this . ulList1 . splice ( index , 1 )
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
if ( item . webId != null ) {
this . shiftDelList . push ( item . webId )
this . shiftDelList = Array . from ( new Set ( this . shiftDelList ) )
item . ulList2 . forEach ( v => {
this . shiftInfoDelList . push ( v . webId )
} )
this . shiftInfoDelList = Array . from ( new Set ( this . shiftInfoDelList ) )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '删除工班成功'
} ) ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
} ,
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
delGb2 ( item2 , index , index2 ) {
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
this . ulList1 [ index ] . ulList2 . splice ( index2 , 1 )
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
if ( item2 . webId != null ) {
2023-08-23 17:42:44 +08:00
this . shiftInfoDelList . push ( item2 . webId )
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
this . shiftInfoDelList = Array . from ( new Set ( this . shiftInfoDelList ) )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '删除工班信息成功'
} ) ;
2023-07-11 17:43:29 +08:00
} ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 车型下拉
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
cxChange ( item , index , item2 , index2 ) {
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . ulList1 [ index ] . ulList2 [ index2 ] . carType = item2 . carType
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . cxList . forEach ( v => {
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
if ( v . value == item2 . carType ) {
item2 . carTypeName = v . text
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} )
} ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 装卸方式下拉
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
fsChange ( item , index , item2 , index2 ) {
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . ulList1 [ index ] . ulList2 [ index2 ] . loadingType = item2 . loadingType
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . fsList . forEach ( v => {
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
if ( v . value == item2 . loadingType ) {
item2 . loadingTypeName = v . text
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} )
} ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
// 翻仓信息
// 翻仓类型下拉
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
fcChange ( item , index ) {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . fcUlList [ index ] . retallyType = item . retallyType
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
this . fcList . forEach ( v => {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( v . value == item . retallyType ) {
item . retallyTypeName = v . text
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} )
} ,
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
// 翻仓车型
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
fccxChange ( item , index ) {
this . fcUlList [ index ] . carType = item . carType
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
this . cxList . forEach ( v => {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( v . value == item . carType ) {
item . carTypeName = v . text
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( item . carTypeName == '空马菲' ) {
item . mfType = true
} else {
item . mfType = false
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
// 翻仓add
fcAdd ( ) {
this . fcUlList . push ( {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
retallyType : "" ,
retallyTypeName : "" ,
retallyOrigin : "" ,
retallyTerminus : "" ,
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
carType : "" ,
carTypeName : "" ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
datetime : [ "" , "" ] ,
retallyStartTime : "" ,
retallyEndTime : "" ,
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
goodsNumber : 0 ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
goodsVolume : 0 ,
goodsWeight : 0 ,
mafiGroupNum : 0 ,
mfType : false ,
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
editStatus : 0 ,
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '添加翻仓成功'
} ) ;
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
} ,
// 翻仓删除
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
delFc ( item , index ) {
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
this . fcUlList . splice ( index , 1 )
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
if ( item . webId != null ) {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
this . fcInfoDelList . push ( item . webId )
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
this . fcInfoDelList = Array . from ( new Set ( this . fcInfoDelList ) )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( item . webId != undefined ) {
this . delSrmIds . push ( item . webId )
uni . setStorageSync ( 'delSrmIds' , this . delSrmIds ) ;
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '删除翻仓成功'
} ) ;
2023-07-24 16:56:46 +08:00
} ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
// 其他信息
// 其他add
qtAdd ( ) {
this . otherArr . push ( {
webId : '' ,
contactId : '' ,
jsworker : 0 ,
datetime : [ "" , "" ] ,
startTime : "" ,
endTime : "" ,
zlValue : 0 ,
tjValue : 0 ,
ptworker : 0 ,
datetime2 : [ "" , "" ] ,
startTime2 : "" ,
endTime2 : "" ,
zlValue2 : 0 ,
tjValue2 : 0 ,
describe : '' ,
dgWork : '' ,
remark : ''
} )
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '添加其他信息成功'
} ) ;
} ,
// 其他删除
delQt ( item , index ) {
this . otherArr . splice ( index , 1 )
if ( item . webId != null ) {
this . otherDelList . push ( item . webId )
this . otherDelList = Array . from ( new Set ( this . otherDelList ) )
2023-08-18 17:28:11 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
if ( item . webId != undefined ) {
this . delSoiIds . push ( item . webId )
uni . setStorageSync ( 'delSoiIds' , this . delSoiIds ) ;
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '删除其他信息成功'
} ) ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
} ,
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
// 取消
cancel ( ) {
uni . navigateTo ( {
2023-07-26 14:34:20 +08:00
url : '/pages/shipWork/mixWork'
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
} )
} ,
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
// 保存
save ( ) {
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
if ( this . hcValue == "" || this . zxValue == "" ) {
uni . showModal ( {
title : '提示' ,
showCancel : false ,
content : '请输入必填项!'
} )
} else {
let date = new Date ( ) . getTime ( )
let contactId = this . shipInfo . webId
let webStatus = "0"
let editStatus = 1
let isVvyType = 0
this . infoVvyArr . forEach ( v => {
if ( v == this . hcValue ) {
isVvyType ++
} )
if ( this . obj . state == "edit" ) {
// 工班信息
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . ulList1 . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . ulList1 [ i ] . webId != '' && this . ulList1 [ i ] . webId != null ) {
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql =
` UPDATE workMessageRespList SET vvyId = ' ${ this . hcValue } ',vvyName = ' ${ this . hcTextValue } ',importExportFlagName = ' ${ this . importExportFlagName } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
loadType = '${this.zxValue}' , loadTypeName = '${this.zxTextValue}' , pwcType = '${this.ulList1[i].gbValue}' ,
pwcTypeName = '${this.ulList1[i].gbTextValue}' , workStartTime = '${this.ulList1[i].startTime}' ,
workEndTime = '${this.ulList1[i].endTime}' , webStatus = '${webStatus}' , webDate = '${webDate}' WHERE webId = '${this.ulList1[i].webId}' ; `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
for ( let j = 0 ; j < this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . webId != '' && this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ]
. webId !=
null ) {
let sql2 =
` UPDATE workMessageRespInfoList SET carType = ' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . carType } ',carTypeName = ' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . carTypeName } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
goodsNumber = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].goodsNumber}' , loadingType = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingType}' ,
loadingTypeName = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingTypeName}' , remark = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].remark}' ,
webStatus = '${webStatus}' , webDate = '${webDate}' WHERE webId = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].webId}' ; `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql2 )
} else {
let webId2 = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql2 =
` insert into workMessageRespInfoList values(' ${ webId2 } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . webId } ',' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . carType } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].carTypeName}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].goodsNumber}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingType}' ,
'${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingTypeName}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].remark}' , '${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql2 )
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
} else {
let webId = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql = ` insert into workMessageRespList values(' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ contactId } ',' ${ this . aId } ',' ${ this . hcValue } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${this.hcTextValue}' , '${this.importExportFlagName}' , '${this.zxValue}' , '${this.zxTextValue}' , '${this.ulList1[i].gbValue}' ,
'${this.ulList1[i].gbTextValue}' , '${this.ulList1[i].startTime}' , '${this.ulList1[i].endTime}' , '${0}' ,
'${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
for ( let j = 0 ; j < this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . webId != '' && this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ]
. webId !=
null ) {
let sql2 =
` UPDATE workMessageRespInfoList SET carType = ' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . carType } ',carTypeName = ' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . carTypeName } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
goodsNumber = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].goodsNumber}' , loadingType = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingType}' ,
loadingTypeName = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingTypeName}' , remark = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].remark}' ,
webStatus = '${webStatus}' , webDate = '${webDate}' WHERE webId = '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].webId}' ; `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql2 )
} else {
let webId2 = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql2 =
` insert into workMessageRespInfoList values(' ${ webId2 } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . carType } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].carTypeName}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].goodsNumber}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingType}' ,
'${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingTypeName}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].remark}' , '${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql2 )
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
// 翻仓信息
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . fcUlList . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . fcUlList [ i ] . webId != null ) {
let sql =
` UPDATE retallyMessageRespList SET reyVvyId = ' ${ this . hcValue } ', vvyName = ' ${ this . hcTextValue } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
retallyType = '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyType}' , retallyTypeName = '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyTypeName}' ,
retallyOrigin = '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyOrigin}' , retallyTerminus = '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyTerminus}' ,
retallyStartTime = '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyStartTime}' , retallyEndTime = '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyEndTime}' ,
carType = '${this.fcUlList[i].carType}' , carTypeName = '${this.fcUlList[i].carTypeName}' ,
goodsNumber = '${this.fcUlList[i].goodsNumber}' , goodsVolume = '${this.fcUlList[i].goodsVolume}' ,
goodsWeight = '${this.fcUlList[i].goodsWeight}' , mafiGroupNum = '${this.fcUlList[i].mafiGroupNum}' , webStatus = '${webStatus}' ,
webDate = '${webDate}' WHERE webId = '${this.fcUlList[i].webId}' ; `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
} else {
let webId = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql =
` insert into retallyMessageRespList values(' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ contactId } ',' ${ this . aId } ',' ${ this . hcValue } ',' ${ this . hcTextValue } ',' ${ this . fcUlList [ i ] . retallyType } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${this.fcUlList[i].retallyTypeName}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyOrigin}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyTerminus}' ,
'${this.fcUlList[i].retallyStartTime}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyEndTime}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].carType}' ,
'${this.fcUlList[i].carTypeName}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].goodsNumber}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].goodsVolume}' ,
'${this.fcUlList[i].goodsWeight}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].mafiGroupNum}' , '${editStatus}' , '${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
// 其他信息
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
this . otherArr . forEach ( v => {
let webId = uuidv4 ( )
let sql = ""
if ( v . webId == '' ) {
sql =
` insert into infoRespList values(' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ contactId } ',' ${ this . aId } ',' ${ this . hcValue } ',' ${ this . hcTextValue } ',' ${ v . jsworker } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${v.startTime}' , '${v.endTime}' , '${v.zlValue}' , '${v.tjValue}' , '${v.ptworker}' ,
'${v.startTime2}' , '${v.endTime2}' , '${v.zlValue2}' , '${v.tjValue2}' , '${v.describe}' ,
'${v.dgWork}' , '${v.remark}' , '${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
} else {
sql =
` UPDATE infoRespList SET vvyId = ' ${ this . hcValue } ', vvyName = ' ${ this . hcTextValue } ', tecNum = ' ${ v . jsworker } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
startTm = '${v.startTime}' , endTm = '${v.endTime}' , weight = '${v.zlValue}' ,
volume = '${v.tjValue}' , genNum = '${v.ptworker}' ,
startTmPt = '${v.startTime2}' , endTmPt = '${v.endTime2}' , weightPt = '${v.zlValue2}' ,
volumePt = '${v.tjValue2}' , auxRemark = '${v.describe}' , waitRemark = '${v.dgWork}' ,
workRemark = '${v.remark}' , webStatus = '${webStatus}' , webDate = '${webDate}' WHERE webId = '${v.webId}' ; `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
// 删除工班信息
this . shiftDelList . forEach ( v => {
let sql = ` DELETE FROM workMessageRespList WHERE webId = ' ${ v } '; `
this . executeSql ( sql )
} )
// 删除工班详细信息
this . shiftInfoDelList . forEach ( v => {
let sql = ` DELETE FROM workMessageRespInfoList WHERE webId = ' ${ v } '; `
this . executeSql ( sql )
} )
// 删除翻仓信息
this . fcInfoDelList . forEach ( v => {
let sql = ` DELETE FROM retallyMessageRespList WHERE webId = ' ${ v } '; `
this . executeSql ( sql )
} )
// 删除其他信息
this . otherDelList . forEach ( v => {
let sql = ` DELETE FROM infoRespList WHERE webId = ' ${ v } '; `
this . executeSql ( sql )
} )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
uni . navigateTo ( {
url : '/pages/shipWork/mixWork'
} )
} else if ( this . obj . state == "add" ) {
if ( isVvyType == 0 ) {
let aId = uuidv4 ( )
// 工班信息
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . ulList1 . length ; i ++ ) {
let webId = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql = ` insert into workMessageRespList values(' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ contactId } ',' ${ aId } ',' ${ this . hcValue } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${this.hcTextValue}' , '${this.importExportFlagName}' , '${this.zxValue}' , '${this.zxTextValue}' , '${this.ulList1[i].gbValue}' ,
'${this.ulList1[i].gbTextValue}' , '${this.ulList1[i].startTime}' , '${this.ulList1[i].endTime}' , '${0}' ,
'${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
for ( let j = 0 ; j < this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 . length ; j ++ ) {
let webId2 = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql2 =
` insert into workMessageRespInfoList values(' ${ webId2 } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . ulList1 [ i ] . ulList2 [ j ] . carType } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].carTypeName}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].goodsNumber}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingType}' ,
'${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].loadingTypeName}' , '${this.ulList1[i].ulList2[j].remark}' , '${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql2 )
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
// 翻仓信息
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . fcUlList . length ; i ++ ) {
let webId = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql =
` insert into retallyMessageRespList values(' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ contactId } ',' ${ aId } ',' ${ this . hcValue } ',' ${ this . hcTextValue } ',' ${ this . fcUlList [ i ] . retallyType } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${this.fcUlList[i].retallyTypeName}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyOrigin}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyTerminus}' ,
'${this.fcUlList[i].retallyStartTime}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].retallyEndTime}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].carType}' ,
'${this.fcUlList[i].carTypeName}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].goodsNumber}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].goodsVolume}' ,
'${this.fcUlList[i].goodsWeight}' , '${this.fcUlList[i].mafiGroupNum}' , '${editStatus}' , '${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
// 其他信息
this . otherArr . forEach ( v => {
let webId = uuidv4 ( )
let webDate = api . getDate ( date )
let sql =
` insert into infoRespList values(' ${ webId } ',' ${ this . vtpId } ',' ${ contactId } ',' ${ aId } ',' ${ this . hcValue } ',' ${ this . hcTextValue } ',' ${ v . jsworker } ',
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
'${v.startTime}' , '${v.endTime}' , '${v.zlValue}' , '${v.tjValue}' , '${v.ptworker}' ,
'${v.startTime2}' , '${v.endTime2}' , '${v.zlValue2}' , '${v.tjValue2}' , '${v.describe}' ,
'${v.dgWork}' , '${v.remark}' , '${webStatus}' , '${webDate}' ) `
2023-12-08 17:42:10 +08:00
this . executeSql ( sql )
} )
uni . navigateTo ( {
url : '/pages/shipWork/mixWork'
} )
} else {
uni . showToast ( {
icon : 'none' ,
title : '该航次已有已录,请选择其他航次'
} ) ;
2023-08-15 09:18:52 +08:00
2023-07-19 18:12:19 +08:00
} ,
2023-08-04 17:06:33 +08:00
executeSql ( sql ) {
sqlite . executeSqlCeshi ( sql ) . then ( ( value ) => {
// 在resolve时执行的回调函数
} ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
// 在reject时执行的回调函数
console . error ( error ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
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2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
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2023-11-24 15:55:58 +08:00
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2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-24 15:55:58 +08:00
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2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
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2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
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2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
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2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
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2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
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line - height : 35 px ;
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/deep/ . uni - date {
flex : none ;
width : 52 % ;
text - align : right ;
display : flex ;
flex - direction : column ;
justify - content : center ;
/deep/ . uni - date - x . icon - calendar {
display : none ;
/deep/ . uni - date - x {
height : 38 px ;
margin - top : 8 px ;
/deep/ . uni - stat _ _select {
flex : none ;
width : 30 % ;
/deep/ . uni - select {
border : none ;
/deep/ . uni - select _ _input - text {
text - align : right ;
padding - right : 10 px ;
/deep/ . is - input - border {
margin - top : 10 px ;
height : 35 px ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
. ulTop {
width : 100 % ;
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
padding : 15 px ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
text - align : right ;
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
text {
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
color : # 2979 ff ;
margin - right : 10 px ;
2023-07-11 17:43:29 +08:00
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
text : nth - of - type ( 2 ) {
2023-07-11 17:43:29 +08:00
color : red ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
. ulTop : first - child {
border - top : none ;
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
. ul {
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
display : flex ;
flex - wrap : wrap ;
justify - content : space - between ;
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
background - color : # fff ;
border - radius : 8 px ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-07-18 17:37:15 +08:00
. li {
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
width : 100 % ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
display : flex ;
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
justify - content : space - between ;
height : 56 px ;
line - height : 56 px ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
. required {
color : red ;
margin - right : 5 px ;
. liTitle {
text - align : right ;
/deep/ . uni - numbox {
border : 1 px solid # ccc ;
box - sizing : border - box ;
/deep/ . uni - numbox - btns {
padding : 0 14 px ;
box - sizing : border - box ;
/deep/ . uni - numbox _ _value {
width : 100 px ;
height : 35 px ;
line - height : 35 px ;
background - color : # fff ! important ;
. widthLi {
width : 100 % ;
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
. carAddBox {
width : 100 % ;
height : 60 px ;
line - height : 60 px ;
background : # F7F7F7 ;
border - radius : 4 px ;
margin : 21 px 0 ;
display : flex ;
flex - direction : column ;
justify - content : center ;
. imgBox {
height : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
justify - content : center ;
text - align : center ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
image {
width : 20 px ;
height : 20 px ;
margin : auto 0 ;
p {
font - size : 14 px ;
color : # 0067 CF ;
font - weight : bold ;
margin - left : 8 px ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
. carLi {
background : # F7F7F7 ;
border - radius : 4 px ;
position : relative ;
/deep/ . uni - stat _ _select {
flex : 1 ;
. iLi {
height : 120 px ;
justify - content : flex - start ! important ;
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
/deep/ . is - input - border {
margin - top : 10 px ;
height : 100 px ;
. qtUl {
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
. title {
font - size : 16 px ;
font - weight : bold ;
padding - left : 10 px ;
border - left : 5 px solid # 2979 ff ;
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
margin : 20 px 0 ;
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
2023-07-12 13:48:01 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
. btnList {
display : flex ;
justify - content : center ;
margin - top : 20 px ;
position : fixed ;
bottom : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
height : 80 px ;
line - height : 80 px ;
background - color : # fff ;
box - shadow : 0 - 3 px 7 px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.10 ) ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
2023-11-01 18:40:05 +08:00
/deep/ . van - button {
margin : 0 px 20 px ;
width : 120 px ;
height : 50 px ;
2023-07-11 17:29:53 +08:00
< / style >